A cheat sheet on Markdown

What is a markdown ?

Whenever you visit websites like Github you see there is a file with the extension .md and generally by the name readme.md.

Have you ever wondered what is that .md file is? Well, that is a markdown file. Well, markdown is a lightweight markup language. It is one of the world's most popular markup language. For writing a markdown file you can use editor-like vs code. Below are some of the syntax for writing a markdown file.

For heading

There are six headings that are available in markdown, which is shown in the image.

Screenshot (24).png

If you want to include a code snippet

While writing sometimes you want to include a code snippet for better understanding, in that case, you can refer to the below image.

Screenshot (25).png

In other cases, if you want to highlight a single line of code, you can use backtick for that, as in the below example.

Screenshot (26).png

Embedding a hyperlink If you want to refer to some hyperlink in your markdown document,

Screenshot (27).png

Bold, Italics and Lists

Below image shows three things how to write bold, unordered lists, italic, and unordered list.

Screenshot (28).png